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Technology plays a critical role in helping patients, and the clinicians and institutions they trust, make every moment matter in the fight against cancer.

With this blog, we aim to explore the challenges faced by the clinical trial and cancer registry communities and bring light to the innovative solutions that are transforming the landscape.

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The Hidden Power Source: How Your Cancer Registry Can Fuel Groundbreaking Oncology Research

Cancer registry data is like solar energy: it has been used in a form for a long time, but only with recent technological...

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Topics: cancer research, oncology informatics

Elevating the Role of the ODS: What Cancer Registrars Are Doing at Highly Efficient Cancer Centers

Oncology leaders will be hearing the term “Oncology Data Specialist” a lot in the coming years. But what does it mean – and how...

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Topics: cancer research, oncology informatics

What Is Your CTR Superpower?

What can you do in a second or two of time? Most of us do not give it much thought, but in the right context, you may be...

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Topics: ai, cancer informatics, NLP,